Oxton Park is a cropping, wool and prime lamb enterprise proudly family owned and run based in Harden, NSW. Known for its rich soil and reliable winter and spring rains, Harden is often referred to as “the centre of the best wheat growing land in Australia”
Premium Wool
Quality Cropping
Diversified Business
Oxton park specialises in broadacre wheat, canola and triticale cropping as well as rasing non-mulesed, dual purpose, self-replacing Merinos. This enterprise mix helps to diversify and spread risk across the business and plays a critical role in many areas including integrated weed management, drought resistance and response to changing market conditions.
Wheat, canola & triticale
As a business we are driven by a commitment to fostering long-term prosperity of family farming, the conservation of our environment, and the welfare of future generations.
We place great importance on having the faith and confidence of our end users, and believe the only way to achieve and uphold this is to consistently emphasise the importance of the welfare of both our animals and our land. It’s a benefit we can all share together.
Future Welfare